
  • Music of Enslaved Virginians

    Project centered around musicians, educators, and scholars across disciplines investigating techniques for recreating the musical practices of early Black Americans. Visit the project webpage here.

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  • Big Mouth

    Big Mouth is a collaborative film project, co-directed by Bremen Donovan and Nomi Dave. The film explores a 2018 defamation suit against the Guinean journalist, Moussa Yéro Bah.

  • Amplified Justice

    Amplified Justice is a project that explores the role of voice in gender justice, through collaborations with lawyers, artists, and academics. Law enforcement, disciplinary structures, and (even) civil rights regimes follow adversarial models whose goal is to determine winners and losers. These institutional processes flatten out the actors’ lived experiences, erasing their nuances. Our project aims to allows diverse individuals to voice their experiences of legal processes and to amplify those voices so that others can hear them. We are organizing a series of installations, discussions, and workshops on creative approaches to narratives around gender justice.

C-ville  لاله های  C-ville د غاتول    C-ville الزنبق C-ville Tulips is a collective of women and children in the Charlottesville area. We use sewing, visual art, storytelling, and physical activity to promote and activate strengths, cultural resilience, acknowledge challenges, prevent social isolation, and establish strengths for Refugee women.