The Sound Justice Lab grew out of conversations and ideas between a group of advocates, artists, and academics. In 2019, we began developing collaborative projects together that use audio-visual media and storytelling to explore what justice means to ordinary people and everyday life. Our work focuses on the law and its limits — the stories and voices that are often left out of legal or institutional proceedings.

By ‘sound justice’ we draw attention to justice that is thorough; but also, to emerging modes and areas of research that explore connections between law and auditory and other expressive media. We use film, sound, visual art, poetry, and other creative approaches to consider how justice claims, evidence, and advocacy take form and act in the world, beyond formal legal processes.

Additional funding for the Lab and its numerous projects has been provided by the following:

Center for Global Inquiry & Innovation at UVA

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, College of Arts & Sciences at UVA

The Jefferson Trust

The Vice Provost for the Arts at UVA

The University of Virginia School of Law

The Equity Center at UVA

3Cavaliers program from the Vice President for Research at UVA

4Va Initiative

The Clay Endowment


The Sound Justice Lab is a program of the Karsh Institute of Democracy.