Big Mouth
Big Mouth is a collaborative film project currently in production, co-directed by Bremen Donovan and Nomi Dave. The film tells the story of a defamation suit against the Guinean journalist, Moussa Yéro Bah, who was sued in 2018 for reporting on a sexual assault case. The film explores evidence, ambiguity, and the production of claims in the context of sexual assault and defamation.
publish an edited Forum
in HAU: Journal of
Ethnographic Theory
Introduction: Evidence, ambiguity, and expression in Big Mouth
Bremen Donovan and Nomi Dave
Filming as being, images as evidence
Jesse Weaver Shipley
This forum, “Big Mouth: Sexual Violence, Evidence and Ambiguity,” stems from a panel we did on the film at the Royal Anthropological Institute film festival and conference in 2021.
In addition to funding from the Karsh Institute of Democracy, Big Mouth is supported by:
The Center for Global Inquiry & Innovation at UVA